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Frequently asked question (FAQ)
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All you need is to enter your current and destination location on Zect App. The App shows you the nearest charging station on your way.

It depends of the type of charger, whether AC or DC. DC chargers are fast chargers. Zect public stations provide with DC fast chargers. Zect residential may have AC or DC chargers.
Depending upon the type of charger, it can take from 30min up to 2 hours.

The cost is variable depending on type of chargers, energy charges or the class of vehicle. However, Zect promises most reliable services worth your every penny.

Yes. Zect App is free and can be download from App/Play store. Simply register with Zect and you will only be charged when you use the services.

Zect Provides with real-time issue resolution. If you face any issue at the charging station, simply write to us under Zect App help, you issue will be resolved immediately.

Yes, we offer rewards programs that provide discounts, loyalty points, or other incentives to encourage users to choose our platform for EV charging needs.

Our App includes trip planning features that help you identify charging stations along your route and plan stops for optimal charging times, making long-distance EV travel convenient.

Yes, Zect’s App offers destination charging location information, helping you find charging stations conveniently located at popular destinations.

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